
Small needle – big effect: how can acupuncture help you?

Akupunktur - ein sehr wirkungsvolles Naturheilverfahren aus der TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Acupuncture – millennia-old wisdom for your well-being

Acupuncture has its origins in a millennia-old tradition and is used in many different ways in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The idea behind it: When the Qi – our life energy – flows undisturbed, body, mind and soul are in balance. If there are blockages, deficiencies or other disturbances, this flow comes to a standstill. Acupuncture can help to bring the Qi back into balance and restore your body to its natural harmony.

Holistic diagnosis – an integrated approach

TCM doesn’t just look at a single symptom, but at you as a whole person. Everything counts: your diet, your lifestyle, previous illnesses and even your emotions such as anger, stress or sadness. We therefore take the time to take a detailed medical history together, including a pulse and tongue diagnosis, in order to record all factors and find a treatment that is exactly right for you.

Individual treatment – as unique as you are

The acupuncture treatment is completely tailored to you and your needs. Your medical history plays just as much a role as your current life situation and constitution. After the first consultation, we can often estimate how long the treatment will take. And don’t worry, acupuncture works for all age groups – for babies and toddlers, it is often enough to gently massage the points.

Discover how acupuncture can help you to get your energy flowing again and feel better all round!

Areas of application for acupuncture

The areas of application are diverse and range from physical complaints to psychological complaints. The umbrella organization and the WHO have compiled comprehensive lists on this subject. But here are a few impressions:

  • Colds and the immune system
  • Allergies
  • Pain / joint pain
  • migraine
  • Stress / burnout / exhaustion
  • Skin and intestines
  • Post-Covid
  • Sleep disorders

Contact me for an appointment or with any questions on acupuncture and the treatments that I offer. My studio is in Neukölln / Berlin and I am looking forwards meeting you!